воскресенье, 6 ноября 2022 г.




1. The book is... the table. 2. The lamp is... the table. 3. The girl is... the table. 4. The man is... the chair. 5. The book is... the bag. 6. The pencil is... the desk. 7. My house is ... the street. 8. The blackboard is ... the class­room. 9. The chair is ... the table. 10. We sit ... the ta­ble. 11. There is a lamp ...the desk. 12. Please, sit down ...the table. 13. A sport ground is ...our school. 14. Push
­kin street is ... Lenin street and Sadovaya street. 15. We have lunch ... 
11 o'clockand 12 o'clock. 16. The bridge is ... the Don River.

 17. There is a picture... the wall. 18. What street do you live..? 19. ... Sunday we of ten swim... the river. 20. Last week he went... Moscow. 21.They will go... the college tomor­row. 22. She goes... work... bus. 23. My brother stayed... home... the evening. 24. Many people travel... train. 25.I see many books... the table and ...the bookcase. 26. I was born... the first... October. 27. Our lessons begin... nine o'clock... the morning. 28. He took some books... the ta­ble and put them... his bag. 29. We went... home... foot. 30. They often go... a walk... the park. 31. My father ' works... the plant. 32. I don't like to sit... the window. 33. She stood... and went... the room. 34. Usually I get up... 7 o'clock, put... my dress and go... the kitchen. 35. My friend goes sports and I am fond... music. 36.... summer we spend much time... the open.


Task 3 Translate into English

1. В воскресенье у нас нет у


2. Мы живем в Самаре, на улице Чехова.

3. Переведите этот текст с английского на русский.

4. Уроки начинаются в 9 ча­сов.

5. Возьмите эту книгу у него.

6. Дайте эту книгу ему.

7. На столе была книга.

8. Мы работаем с 8 утра до 6 вечера.

9. Учитель вошел, взял книгу со стола и вышел из класса.

10. Мы работали а течение урока.


 1. Заполните пропуски предлогами там, где это необходимо.

1.      When did you return … home … the theatre?

2.      There was a door … the end … the corridor.

3.      Is the metro station far … your house?

4.      I sat down … a bench … the monument … Columbus.

5.      Early … the morning many lorries passed … our houses.

6.      One … our friends lives … this street, near … the bus stop.

7.      We enjoyed … our life … the South.

8.      Would you like to join … us?

9.      The children ran … the room … a great noise.

 2. Выберите правильный вариант.

1.      I hear he is looking at/for/after a job.

2.      Could everyone please look at/for/after the lost keys?

3.      My sister looks at/for/after the kids  on Saturday

4.      Why is she looking at/for/after me like that?

5.      Look at/for/after those lovely flowers over there.

6.      I’m looking at/ for/ after Tom. Have you seen him somewhere today?

7.      This is very valuable. Please look at/for/after it.

8.      I have lost my key. I’d better look at/for/after it.

9.      I’ll see you again soon. Look at/for/ after yourself.

10. In the museum a lot of people were looking at/for/after the beautiful painting.

3.  Зaполните пропуски предлогами.

  Dover is a large town … the south east … England. It is a big busy port and an important link … Britain and Europe. Dover is sometimes called «the gateway … Europe». Cars, ferries, hovercraft and boats go … and … … the port every day.                                                                      

There are many interesting places to see … Dover. There is a Roman lighthouse and remains … a Roman house. There is also an old castle … top … Castle Hill. If you like flowers and trees, there are some very beautiful gardens … the centre … the town. Dower is also famous … its chalk cliffs-the famous «White Cliffs of Dover».

    4. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами.

1.  A few days ago I saw an interesting program … television.

2.  «Winnie-the-Pooh» was written … A. Milne.

3.  It’s often faster to walk than to go … bus.

4.  You shouldn’t be anger … him.

5.  It all depends … you.

6.  This is only one problem … thousands of others in our city.

7.  Sam left his car … the end of the street.

8.  . ,I’ll see you … Friday … five o’clock

9.  Scotland is famous … wool and whiskey.

 5.Определите какой из 3х предлогов at, in, on подходит ко всем предложениям. Вставьте его вместо точек и перескажите текст по-английски.

 Alone in the house.

 Louise was at  home alone last night for the first time, and she was frightened. Her brother was … a baseball game. Her parents were … meeting … her school. Louise decided to call her friends and invite them to come over and visit. Unfortunately, her friends weren’t home. Not one of them. Her friend Patty was … the movies … the cinema. Melissa was … the library. In the end, she called her friends Sane and Susan, but they weren’t home either. Jane and Susan were … a concert.

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