Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Text Types of computers. Показать все сообщения
Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Text Types of computers. Показать все сообщения

понедельник, 21 марта 2022 г.

  Task1                           TYPES OF COMPUTERS

I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.

Bill Gates

Text 1 «Classes of computers»

1.     Просмотрите текст и соотнесите иллюстрации с типом ком- пьтера.



                  3                                                           4              



5                                                                            6

                  Прочтите текст еще раз и ответьте на вопрос:

Which device uses UNIX as the operating system?

Classes of computers


Supercomputer is the fastest type of computer. Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require immense amounts of mathematical calculations. Weather forecasting, animated graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, and petroleum exploration require a supercomputer.


Mainframe is a very large and expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds, or even thousands, of connected users simultaneously. In some ways, mainframes are more powerful than supercomputers because they support more simultaneous programs. But supercomputers can execute a single program faster than a mainframe.


Minicomputer is a midsized computer. In size and power, minicomputers lie between workstations and mainframes. But in general, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting from 4 to about 200 users simul­taneously.


The term microcomputer is generally synonymous with personal comput­er (PC), or a computer that depends on a microprocessor. Microcomputers are designed to be used by individuals, whether in the form of PCs, workstations or notebook computers. A microcomputer contains a central processing unit (CPU) on a microchip (the microprocessor), a memory system (typically read-only memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM)), a bus system and I/O ports, typically housed in a motherboard.


Workstation is a computer intended for individual use that is faster and more capable than a personal computer. It's intended for business or profession­al use (rather than home or recreational use). Workstations and applications designed for them are used by small engineering companies, architects, graphic designers, and any organization, department, or individual that requires a faster microprocessor, a large amount of random access memory, and special features such as high-speed graphics adapters.


PDA is short for personal digital assistant, is a handheld device that com­bines computing, telephone/fax, Internet and networking features. A typical PDA can function as a cellular phone, fax sender, Web browser and personal or­ganizer. PDAs may also be referred to as a palmtop, hand-held computer or pocket computer.

Unlike portable computers, most PDAs began as pen-based, using a sty­lus rather than a keyboard for input. This means that they also incorporated handwriting recognition features. Some PDAs can also react to voice input by using voice recognition technologies. PDAs are available in either a stylus or keyboard version.

Apple Computer, which introduced the Newton MessagePad in 1993, was one of the first companies to offer PDAs. As technology changed the world of mobile devices, the PDA has become obsolete as devices like touch-screen smartphones and tablets grow in popularity.

Task 2

1.     В процессе чтения текста заполните таблицу данными о типе компьютера.

The class of the computer




Distinct features






































4. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы: Which of the devices ...


1)     is capable of supporting 300-3000 users simultaneously?

2)      is intended for business or professional use?

3)      can function as a cellular phone?

4)      is used for animated graphics?

5)      incorporates handwriting recognition features?

6)      is used by small engineering companies?

7)      is capable of supporting 15-150 users simultaneously?

8)     is employed for specialized applications that require immense amounts of mathematical calculations?

9)      has come out of use because of new technologies?

10)     reacts to voice input by using voice recognition technologies?

11)     is referred to as hand-held computer?

12)     is used by graphic designers?

13)     is used for nuclear energy research?

14)     is used by architects?

15)     is the fastest type of computers?

5.      Заполните пропуски словами из предыдущего упражнения.

1.     Please call this number if you ____ any further information.

2.     A lot of money has been ________  into research in that particular field.

3.     We need to get an assistant who's _______  and efficient.

4.      Their report is deliberately ____  on future economic prospects

5.     Gas lamps became _______ when electric lighting was invented.

6.     The exhibition reflected __________ developments abroad.

7.     I have a python script that needs to ______  an external program, but

for some reason fails.

6.     Переведите предложения и словосочетания, используя лекси­ку текста.

1.     Универсальная ЭВМ; рабочая станция /дисплейный терминал; пер­сональный цифровой ассистент; карманный/ручной компьютер; компью­тер с перьевым вводом данных

2.     За последние годы стерлось различие между большим миникомпь­ютером и небольшой универсальной ЭВМ.

3.                     Персональный компьютер предназначен для работы и отдыха.

В карманный компьютер заложена функция распознавания руко­писного