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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком TEST. Показать все сообщения

воскресенье, 6 ноября 2022 г.

Test, quizlet, padlet

 Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Quizlet 

Работа с текстом «Travelling»

Великобритания. Работа с текстом Great Britain. Padlet

Present perfect. (утвердительная

форма)  Test on UK elementary

Работа с текстом London. Glogster

Сравнение видовременных форм глагола. Словообразование.

Политическое устройство Великобритании. Просмотр видеофильма. Padlet Введение новой лексики

Past perfect (вопросительная и отрицательные формы)

Test on the UK

Работа с устной темой

«Экология» Padlet

Сравнение видовременных форм глагола.

Future Perfect Continuous. Ecology test

Работа с текстом «The protection of nature». Miro доска

Сравнение видовременных форм глагола.

понедельник, 7 февраля 2022 г.


Task 4 TEST I. Choose the correct variant.

Moscow was founded in … by the prince Yuri Dolgoruky.




The most famous tower of the Kremlin is …. with a big clock.

the Spasskaya Tower

Bell Tower

the Archangel Cathedral

… was built in 1475-1479 and all Russian Tsars and Emperors were crowned there.

The Assumption Cathedral

TheAnnunciation Cathedral

The Archangel Cathedral

Under …. the Kremlin was built of white stone.

Dmitry Donskoy

Ivan III

Andrey Rublev

…. was the burial place of the Russian Princes and Tsars.

The Assumption Cathedral

The Annunciation Cathedral

The Archangel Cathedral

The Faceted Palace was built in …




The Russian Federation is washed by … .

12 seas and 3 oceans.

11 seas and 2 oceans.

12 seas and 4 oceans.

In the west the Russian Federation has borders with …

Norway, Finland, Belarus and Ukraine.

Italy, Finland, Belarus and Ukraine.

Norway, Finland, Belarus and France.

The deepest lake in the world is … .


the Baikal.

the lake Baikal.

Russia is very rich in oil, coal, iron ore, natural gas, copper, nickel and other mineral… .




The State Duma and the Council of Federation are … of the government.

the legislative branch

the executive branch

the judicial branch

II. Give English equivalents.(переведите на английский язык)

князь, памятник, архитектор, архитектура, шедевр, дворец, колокольня, небоскреб, научный, Успенский собор, Грановитая палата, страна рождения, занимать, полезные ископаемые, возвышенности, законодательная ветвь (власти), полосы, тундра, степь.


Task 3 TEST

1. What is the official name of Great Britain now?

a) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland. b) Great Britain

c) The United Kingdom of Great Britain

2. What parts does Great Britain consist of and what are their capitals?

a) England (London); Scotland(Cardiff); Wales(Edinburgh); Northern Ireland (Belfast).

b) England (London); Scotland (Edinburgh); Wales (Cardiff); Northern Ireland (Belfast).

c) Britain (London); Wales (Cardiff); Scotland(Edinburgh); Ireland (Belfast). 3. Britain’s population is more than… million people.

a) 56; b) 560; c) 5,6;

4. Great Britain is separated from the continent by…

a) The Pacific Ocean; b) the Irish Sea;; c) the English Channel.

5. The head of State in Britain is ....

a) The Prime Minister; b) the President; c) the Queen;

6. The National Gallery is in …

a) Piccadily Circus; b) Parliament Square; c) Trafalgar Square;

7. The Great Fire of London broke out in…

a)  1066; b) 1106; c) 1666.

8. The population of London is about

a) 10 million

b) 5 million

c) 8 million

9. The oldest part of London is

a) The City

b) Westminster

c) The East-End

10.The Queen of England lives in

a)Hampton Court Palace

b)Buckingham Palace

c)The Tower of London

11. In front of Buckingham Palace there is

a)Nelson's Column

b)Albert Memorial

c)the Queen Victoria Memorial

12.The Prime Minister lives in

a)No 10 Downing Street

b)Parliament Square


13. Whitehall is

a)fine building

b)wide street leading to Parliament Square

c)famous museum

14. The Tower of London …. .

a) is where the Queen lives.

b) is London's biggest art museum.

c) was a fortress, a palace, a prison, a zoo, and now it is a museum.

15. Buckingham Palace

a)was built after the Great Fire of London.

b)was built to remember the battle of Trafalgar.

c)is where the Queen lives.

16. Trafalgar Square

a) is Britain's main banking centre.

b) is London's main shopping centre.

c) was built to remember the battle of Trafalgar.

17. Royal Opera House

a) is in Covent Garden.

b) is famous for the Poet's Corner.

c) is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

18. St Paul's Cathedral

a) was built after the Great Fire of London.

b) is for Queen Elizabeth ' home where she often stays at Christmas and Easter.

c) is in Covent Garden.

19. Oxford Street

a) is Britain's main banking centre.

b) is London's main shopping centre.

c) is famous for the Poet's Corner.

20. The National Gallery

a) is London's biggest art museum.

b) is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

c) is the largest private collection in the world.

21. Windsor Castle

a) is for Queen Elizabeth ' home where she often stays at Christmas and Easter.

b) was a fortress, a palace, a prison, a zoo, and now it is a museum.

c) is where the Queen lives.

22. Westminster Abbey

a) was built after the Great Fire of London.

b) is famous for the Poet's Corner.

c) is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

23. The City of London

a) is Britain's main banking centre.

b) is London's main shopping centre.

c) is famous for the Poet's Corner.

24. The Speaker's Corner

a) is in Hyde Park where anyone can make a speech.

b) is famous for the Poet's Corner.

c) is one of the most famous libraries in the world.

25. The Serpentine

a) is the lake in the middle of Hyde Park.

b) is the river in the center of London.

c) is in Covent Garden.